Ausreal Wish Search

Feel free to explore the below map of Ausreal wishes. 
– This map contains all wishes, and detail pages to view in-depth information about each wish. 
– The wish pages also contain a voting form, allowing you to cast a vote for the specific wish along with a note accompanying your wish. 
– The Wish Search below the map enables you to filter your wish search, wish results displayed on the right. 
If you wish to add a wish, click ‘add a wish’ to the left of the page to create your wish, that can be voted on.Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear! 

Wish Search

Test wish

Created: Created: 14/02/2025 03:50:25

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel

Try and store a wish

Free Full Legal Help

Created: Created: 24/09/2024 12:01:41

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

Why are we to pay thousands of dollars for EVERY SINGLE TIME something has “legal” in between ?! And . . . what’s up with the farces of Office of Legal Services Commissioner, LawAccess and/or Legal aid ?! Why do we need to be rich/well-off to access justice in this country ?!

The public to have freedom of access to public land ie. the “village common”

Created: Created: 12/05/2024 16:51:33

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Self-styled elitist Councils and local “authorities” have abused their perceived authority by . . . banning access of members of the public to public land eg. for overnight stays by members of the public as they travel across their country. These bodies should be forced to recognise that they are not a law unto themselves but exist to serve the people and enhance their freedom and quality of life.

Yoga meditation retreat

Created: Created: 14/03/2024 19:26:16

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast

A retreat to attend for carers to relax and take time out and short breaks from there caring role

No income tax

Created: Created: 14/03/2024 19:26:16

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Great Southern

Educate Common Law Rights / Holistic Lifestyles

Created: Created: 28/02/2024 06:22:02

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

I wish for all companies involved in the food, drink, cosmetic’s and our newly reformed; ‘friendly . . . pharmaceuticals’ industries, to be MANDATED that all foods we eat, the water we drink and the cosmetics / medicines we use; DO NOT contain any harmful chemicals / substances. Plus, thorough controlled testing practices to be carried out prior, and reported. These findings are then stored in a fully accessible to all, database system. One similar to the one in California. Any breaches to this Governance to carry heavy monetary penalties plus custodial sentencing. That alone will create a far healthier Australia! To educate how we can live holistically from farm / garden, to plate and to educate all our fundamental Common Law Rights and Freedoms.

Accurate terminology in language so that language migration ceases.

Created: Created: 05/10/2023 06:25:36

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

We need accuracy in language and terminology that will prevent changes to the meanings of wording. . . . Being ambiguous is detrimental to society, in schooling, and in law, as generations become conflicted in conversations. In law, we have, for instance, Blacks dictionary meanings for court terminology that the public generally knows nothing about, and leaves the public at a disadvantage when facing courts. And then there is the government coverups using woke and other language that purposely pulls the wool over the public’s eyes.

Peaceful community abundance

Created: Created: 05/10/2023 06:25:36

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

My wish is for everyone to have access to land, peaceful community and abundance


Created: Created: 01/09/2023 14:43:05

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – South Gippsland

To build fast freeway that will bypass towns on the way from Sale Victoria to Melbourne.

15 days detention

Created: Created: 21/08/2023 16:19:49

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Northern Rivers

Holistic health services

Created: Created: 21/08/2023 14:37:47

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

I wish for all practitioners, ie;drs,chiro,massage,naturopath,kinesiologist,to be able to . . . communicate for the best care of the patient. A turn away from the corporate push of the pharmaceutical industry, and actually use it when needed,not for everything.

Let’s Get our Country Back!

Created: Created: 30/07/2023 21:59:23

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

I wish to hold every politicians accountable for there destruction and criminal destruction of . . . Australia and all Aussies and face Jail Government needs to go and Strip Police of there Power & build new Coal Power Stations to bring cost Down Stop any Communications from UN, WEF, WHO tell them to Belt it! Start a People’s Bank for Aussies and allow 20 or 30 years fixed terms at Low Rate Get our Rights Back and Freedoms and Stop immigration immediately as we are being turned in to a 3rd World Country we are over Full and Stop any Race Based Power Grab Voice

Remove Fluoride

Created: Created: 24/07/2023 09:22:48

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

I’d like to have the fluoride removed from our water for health improvements

No fines

Created: Created: 23/07/2023 16:52:34


Municipality: VIC – Geelong & Bellarine

No fines for anything, ever

Remove all 5G towers

Created: Created: 23/07/2023 15:21:18

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Northern Rivers

The installation of the 5G towers during the lockdowns was a red flag to any thinking person and has . . . since proven to be inherently unsafe and potentially cancer causing. 5G or even to kill. There is plenty of scientific evidence to support these claims. We do not need 5G, 6G, 7G etc it will destroy not only humanity but all living things

Health & Spirituality

Created: Created: 19/06/2023 16:44:01

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

I wish for more Natural Health modalities & Spiritual Workshops in the Communities.


Created: Created: 16/05/2023 19:00:03

State: Tasmania

Municipality: TAS – Central & Midlands

AHPRA is corrupt, we must desmantle AHPRA and stop the regulation of health practioners though . . . AHPRA, the best way to regulate practioners is by a patient and client system review based on evidence and results, our hospital must be run by qualify – merit based professionals whose reputation have been build on the basis of the service and result ( evidence base) they provide to their patients and clients – not by people who buy licenses from a corrupt agency


Created: Created: 11/04/2023 17:22:34

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Central Coast

I pray to Almighty God to stop all childhood vaccines as they have added the covid 19 poisonous . . . shots to the childhood immunisation schedule. I pray that these demonic depopulation jabs are stopped once and for all

Heal the world

Created: Created: 21/03/2023 12:34:40

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

Free Education to community members on body systems, natural health care remedies and how to . . . naturally take care of your health and the health of your family. Self empowerment all the way!

Quo Warranto

Created: Created: 20/02/2023 10:02:21

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: WA – South West

To share the information I have used to challenge any “gov” claim. Using Notices of Conditional . . . Acceptance with prerogative writ Quo Warranto I challenged Council rates over 4 months ago – no overdue notice, no threats, no legal action, they have no authority and Quo Warranto in a formal Notice has stopped them in their tracks. I’d like to share the process with all Australians. If we all stopped paying rates we can collapse their system very quickly. Please email me Sol

Protect animals

Created: Created: 09/01/2023 17:14:43

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Mid North

We need to punish anyone who on purpose hurts or kills our animals, domestic or wild.
And I’m not
. . . talking about hunting to lower a animal population eg rabbits or protection of livestock eg foxes.
I’m talking about the poor animals that are in our care like cats, dogs ect that are beaten and torched and killed by sick individuals who think it’s ok to do this as they won’t be sent to prison or really punished. I would like to see punishment as equal pain as they caused the animal but I know this won’t happen but we can send them to prison or mental health facility for treatment. Ban them from owning any animal and other punishments.
Animals feel like us.
They need our protection.

Governance Moral Framework

Created: Created: 07/01/2023 18:17:45

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

A Moral Framework that underpins bill of rights, constitution, government and society.
. . . legislation must by law, abide by this moral framework or be deemed null and void.
A good moral framework to draw from already exists. It is called Christianity.
This needs to be the root of our society and governance.

Created: Created: 21/12/2022 19:13:03

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

Take down the control structure and make love the true power of awakening. OPA’s quest is to lift . . . the yoke of evil off from us at all levels of society, governance, knowledge, technology, etc. and to remember our true world history. It is really happening.

Online platforms

Created: Created: 16/11/2022 18:56:08

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

I’d prefer to use a blockchain internet solution or other independent decentralised system for all . . . online platforms and forums so that it is not centrally controlled or dependent on Big Tech.

Earth restoration

Created: Created: 14/11/2022 08:23:04

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – The Goldfields

To bring prosperity through connecting to the Alpha system using KIMS.
To create many earth
. . . restoration projects using the CARE teams ethos.
More information on United Network News app and CARE telegram group.


Created: Created: 12/11/2022 08:36:01

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

I pray for a swift return of our Supreme and most Glorious Lord, to bless this dream with His Love, . . . Light and Clarity, in whatever miraculous way He deems appropriate. Amen.

Law and Government

Created: Created: 24/10/2022 17:19:28

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South Burnett

No government can be above the people, all are equal to the law. The sole purpose of government is . . . to serve the people for the people’s best interest at all times. No more corporate control at all levels
Do no harm, cause no loss, and keep the peace
Fraud is Fraud , justice must be severed to all that have and still cause harm, loss, damage

Councils – claimed local governments

Created: Created: 05/09/2022 15:11:11

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South Burnett

All councilors and management to be arrested and tried for treason, with all assets seized, going . . . back twenty years – as fraud has no statute of limitation, neither does committing harm, this action is for assuming power over the people that was never granted to them by the people, as the people denied local governments any recognition in the Constitution: therefore the cure and remedy shall be no less than …. the return of all seized homes, and land, along with a substantial compensation, for the crimes of claiming back rates, which are unlawful … being a one sided fraudulent contract without full disclosure, this action must go back – at least for the last twenty years, along with all rates paid by the people in the area to this unlawful organization the South Burnett Regional Council that is a corporation not a government, – the fraudulent claims being returned, shall be at 20% interest compounding yearly to the people it was stolen from under threats and intimidation: as it is written so it shall be. For the power resides in the people.

Created: Created: 28/07/2022 14:58:08

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Yarra Valley & Dandenongs

Return to coal fired power. Do not sell our coal to overseas. Retain our resources for Australia.

Wish for new group

Created: Created: 22/06/2022 15:42:38

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

This is a new wish.

Gods Law

Created: Created: 07/04/2022 22:31:18

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: WA – Peel

That Gods Law will rule over the misappropriation of all other laws.
Modern State, Federal and
. . . International laws have been ignored for hundreds (if not thousands), of years.
Sick, deranged, morons ( Most power fiends), have and are destroying the planet!
I pray Gods Law is imposed efficiently and soon.
God help those who still have faith.

Love thy neighbour

Love thy neighbour

Created: Created: 24/03/2022 12:55:15

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

I wish Australia would stop committing genocide on their Host groups and nations.

Alternative health centre within a permaculture community

Created: Created: 25/02/2022 19:25:00

State: New South Wales, Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Permaculture communities could be duplicated in various areas of all states.

Brand New System of Governance

Created: Created: 25/02/2022 14:22:34

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Northern Rivers

Run by the People, elected by the People, For the benefit of the People. Abolish current government . . . system and taxes and replace it with a Constitution-based governance, to protect and respect all living beings. Abolish financial interests of politicians, Big Pharma and all industries involved in corruption against the people. Thy Will Be Done

Created: Created: 11/02/2022 15:57:01

State: Tasmania, Victoria

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Love, freedom and for the human family

Food Security for all

Created: Created: 04/02/2022 21:35:28

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Edible food gardens are a brilliant way to ensure food security for all.

Food Security for all

Created: Created: 04/02/2022 21:11:32

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Edible food gardens are a brilliant way to ensure food security for all.

Connection for health communities

Created: Created: 29/01/2022 15:50:22

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

a hub of caring people who know the importance of accepting and supporting each other regardless of . . . race,creed,wealth,abilities or any type of difference. A meeting place where the fame of the care and concern for others is at the forefront of everything.

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

Created: Created: 04/01/2022 12:25:36

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Wheatbelt

Environmental Sustainability

Created: Created: 04/01/2022 12:17:28

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Wheatbelt

Peoples Land

Created: Created: 03/01/2022 01:02:55


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Created: Created: 02/01/2022 16:26:05

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

I sincerely wish for a Country that is free from tyranny and political
mandates. My wish
. . . encompasses Indigenous and non-Indigenous People who will have the same rights as each other.

Sexual Crimes against Children

Created: Created: 27/12/2021 12:55:59

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

I wish for all convicted one time child molesters to be kept in a confind gated camps/prison never . . . to be allowed to leave and live among civilisations again. The camps will be self sustaining by the convicted occupants which will allow them to live there until the day they die. They will not be allow books, or computers they will never be allow to have visitors. For the repeat offender or child murder or serious rape of a child then the death penalty must apply immediately.

No Mandates – Segregation & Freedom of Choice

Created: Created: 26/12/2021 16:15:47

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Central West Queensland

We Truly wish for no discrimination, segregation or division. We wish for pro choice – & No . . . Mandates to work – or enter a business- premises open to the public

Proper way

Created: Created: 24/12/2021 09:36:14

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

I wish for all Satanists in governance in my country to turn to the light of truth, honesty, . . . goodness and caring for the weak and sick in our communities. And so it is!

Commonwealth constitution

Created: Created: 24/12/2021 09:22:51


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Created: Created: 23/12/2021 22:54:02


Municipality: VIC – The Goldfields


Created: Created: 23/12/2021 20:24:12

State: Victoria

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

First Nations

Created: Created: 18/12/2021 07:30:12

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

My wish is for all First Nations people and their relatives to gather in unity to teach white people . . . their culture and ways of life in order for us all to come together and be open to learning their ways, especially their spiritual connection to the land.

A Charter of Rights

Created: Created: 17/12/2021 07:50:49

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Fleurieu Peninsula

I believe that as Australians we should have a bill or charter of rights that protect us from . . . Governments and Corporations, and they should be made and held accountable to the people of Australia. That the rights, well-being, and best interests of Australians should be put before the interests of the Government and corporations.

Created: Created: 16/12/2021 21:09:00

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Central West Queensland

Come back to our heart

Created: Created: 16/12/2021 00:56:02

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Mid West

My wish is to allow the true freedom of choice again for what it truly is again

Created: Created: 15/12/2021 19:24:50

State: Western Australia

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Clean water

Created: Created: 15/12/2021 11:02:11

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Mid West

Gina and family

Created: Created: 15/12/2021 10:09:52

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains


Created: Created: 15/12/2021 09:17:27


Municipality: WA – Great Southern

Peace in all humans

Created: Created: 15/12/2021 09:13:43

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Great Southern

Fresh Produce Freedom

Created: Created: 15/12/2021 08:58:06

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Garderning grants or free eatable trees and plants that will be grown on each persons property. It . . . is called foodscaping and it has worked in eurpoean cities and will help to illuminate hunger in Australia.

Travelling to the mainland

Created: Created: 13/12/2021 21:52:27

State: Tasmania

Municipality: TAS – Southern Tasmania

As Tasmania is isolated from the mainland, traveling by boat to take your car should be free for . . . basic sleepover or small fee and pensioners free.
Like to see free Green bins for pensioners.
All milk should be in glass bottles and recycled and delivered for pensioners like in the past. Also free electricity as that was the case in the 1800. More money for pensioners.

Created: Created: 13/12/2021 17:21:02

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast


Natural healthcare

Created: Created: 13/12/2021 05:46:31

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Eyre Peninsula

Develop a complete alternative healthcare system that is focused on treating the cause of health . . . problems not just masking symptoms and which uses natural medicines and environmental adjustments rather than reliance on pharmaceuticals.


Created: Created: 12/12/2021 19:58:29

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – South West

To stop the spread of high density housing and bring back the small Australian owned and operated . . . farms. Organic farming and dairy. Removing foreign ownership of industry and farms, in and around the area.

Created: Created: 12/12/2021 17:34:43

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – The Goldfields

Homeopathic hospital

Created: Created: 12/12/2021 15:04:56

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

A homeopathic hospital would help to replace the medical system with individualized holistic health.

Telsa technologies & Natural Cures.

Created: Created: 03/12/2021 17:18:29

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Wish for Tesla technologies/Med Beds and all Natural cures, to be released for use to the pubic.

Permaculture designed food-forests growing on every home block using homemade compost on the roots.

Permaculture designed food-forests growing on every home block using homemade compost on the roots.

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 09:02:27

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

The Wish is for the majority of our world’s people to learn and adopt organic gardening and . . . minimum-maintenance, maximum-yield permaculture principles and ethics by the Year 2030, so abundant food-forests are growing in most home yards in suburbs of towns and cities throughout the world.

Created: Created: 01/12/2021 12:31:53

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

For all people to be entitled to land to live through permeaculture.


Created: Created: 01/12/2021 02:49:47

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

True reliable energy systems

Created: Created: 25/11/2021 23:29:59

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Far North Queensland

No more useless windmill installations, they do kill birds and they are Not GREEN, they have a short . . . life span, the blades become a serious pollution problem. They are not green to make and the whole thing Tower motor blades are useless and can no be recycled.

Environment rehabilitation

Created: Created: 25/11/2021 22:19:03

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

I want this everywhere in Australia (and the world). I want retired persons to spend energy on . . . nature rehabilitation. I want unemployed people and volunteers to be supported, guided and educated to be able to help the environment. I want all the millions wasted on covid testing and crap – to be spent repairing mother nature.

Ban all vaccinations going forward

Created: Created: 25/11/2021 18:02:14

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast

Protect the kids

Irrigation scheme through central Australia

Created: Created: 25/11/2021 14:14:47

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Northern Territory

Municipality: QLD – Central Queensland

develop an Irrigation scheme taking the rain fall of North Qld through the central of Australia

Created: Created: 25/11/2021 11:52:00

State: Victoria

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Suv’eran Free man of the land.

Created: Created: 25/11/2021 11:08:36

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

It is my most sincere wish, that all Politicians; all BAR members; all senior Public Servants; all . . . armed thugs masquerading as police; all pharmaceutical heads; all medical staff that administered and supported the kill shot that has done so much harm and death to the people without full disclosure; all main stream media heads that fed the people propaganda, and lies; all be dragged out into the streets and publicly hanged for sedition and treason; then and only then can we the people go back to a life of freedom.

Release Free Power Technology

Created: Created: 25/11/2021 00:13:00

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – The Goldfields

For over 150 years technology has been suppressed to favour those in control.
The mining magnates
. . . whom capitalise on fossil fuels are too powerful to stop.
Monopoly has enabled this. Men like John Keely and Nikola Tesla head a vast number of inventors whom have made great inventions only to have them silenced by the likes of JP Morgan, John Rockefeller and Thomas Edison. Release all information on Technology

Return to the Truth

Created: Created: 24/11/2021 22:13:04

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

A return to the truth. To live in peace ,harmony, unity and freedom. To love and respect one another

Vaccine coercion must stop!

Created: Created: 24/11/2021 18:51:21

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

The AHPRA Position Statement on Covid-19 vaccinations says: “anti-vaccination statements or health . . . advice… is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and… prosecution by AHPRA.” This means that doctors cannot base statements on their medical science expertise or the health and care of their patient. This is a breach of their oath and is coercion and manipulation at the highest level.
The Australian Immunisation Handbook, the Qld Clinical Excellence Division, the Qld Law Handbook, Legal Aid Qld, and Sarah Atkinson and Christine Mercer (Maurice Blackburn Lawyers Media Statement, “Legal aspects of consent to treatment”, 13 April 2012) all state that medical consent is only legally valid if it is given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.
The Attorney-General Hon. Shannon Fentiman has said she is committed to “legislate against coercive control”. (as quoted by Lexi Kehl in QLS Proctor, Coercive control-can the law fix this?, 17 February 2021.)
Since coercion and manipulation to get the covid-19 vaccine has been directed at the people of Qld by the leadership of the Qld Government it is now legally impossible for Qld medical staff to obtain legal consent. Even if the patient says they consent it is still not legally valid and thus the medical staff should no longer administer the vaccine.
Some examples of the coercion are Ms Palaszczuk saying that the unvaccinated are wrong and that they will be restricted and that they are unsafe. (as quoted by, 9 November 2021). Dr Chris Perry (Queensland president of the Australian Medical Association) said the unvaccinated are crazy and will be miserable and lonely for the rest of their lives and won’t be able to hide. (as quoted by Ian Miles Cheong,, 11 November 2021) Steven Miles said that they are dangerous, anti-government, anti-vaxxer and lunatics (as quoted by Marty Silk,, “Qld accuses PM of indulging anti-vaxxers”, 18 November 2021) .
It is clear also that every person who has received the vaccine under coercion by the Qld Government can sue the government for malpractice because legal consent was not obtained.
Since those who are not yet vaccinated can no longer be legally vaccinated the Qld Government must stop the vaccine roll out until this legal situation is resolved.

Eco tourism

Created: Created: 24/11/2021 15:42:04

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

That the land, the law the people are one. Water not to be sold to any private corporate enterprise . . . whatsoever. Sale of water to be immediately halted. High rise devopment to cease. It does not provide human beings with a natural way to live. Architects to engage in designing homes and development that compliments and fits in with natural environments- no disturbance to natural vegetation and wildlife. Aboriginal custodians to educate people on the stories and histories of the land upon which they live. Eco tourism to be encouraged- with tourists to respect the land the law and the people they are visiting. More preservation of wild spaces- never ever to designate this land to be a “smart city” which would relegate it to be part of a global slave system.

Sovereignty and tribal law our new Gover

Created: Created: 24/11/2021 11:52:26


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

agriculture and freedom

Created: Created: 24/11/2021 09:25:00

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Mid North

Stop government bullying with the mandates and attacking peoples freedom as this is unconstitutional . . . and stop the pandering to big pharma and tech by ending gmo production

mutual obligation

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 21:06:39

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

people share food, resources and help each other out

God always gives us a ‘Choice’

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 20:06:17

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

I pray and hope for Strong Godly & Wise leadership to return to this beautiful country.

God always gives us a 'Choice'

God always gives us a ‘Choice’

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 19:55:34

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

I pray and hope for Strong Godly & Wise leadership to return to this beautiful country.

Realistic tourism

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 14:03:28


Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

The locals wish to reclaim our home, protect it from the clutches of the cabal & so called . . . tourism organisations, who are allowing the area to be over run by visitors & thereby locking locals out of our beautiful beaches, parks & national parks

5G Towers prohibited

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 13:12:51

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

Our government to be led by the Creator of All That Is

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 11:29:00

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

A prayer that all politicians who are not connected to the highest power step down from their . . . positions, and make room for the people who can be connected to the highest power and govern from that space, instead of from a lower level frequency.

Allegiance to Australian Constitution

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 08:56:00

State: Tasmania

Municipality: TAS – Southern Tasmania


Created: Created: 23/11/2021 08:26:39

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula


Created: Created: 23/11/2021 08:23:14

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Australians need to have all their rights restored in regards to choice of medical procedures . . . without cohesion and threats of loosing their job or the ability to obtain employment and all mandated Covid-19 restrictions to be removed and segregation ceased

Integrity and Transparency

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 08:15:00

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

All potential ‘leaders’ must have a proven history of integrity, transparency and empathy. Without . . . those core values they don’t get the privilege of holding space for anyone in a leadership role. We will govern together for the betterment of all…doing NO HARM. People will maintain at all times their own body autonomy and be taught what it means to be sovereign. The entire old system is collapsed, a new healthy one is built, that is based on an interdependent community model. All people who were consciously involved in the ‘great reset’ of death will be held accountable by the people. if these lands.

Freedom of choice and movement

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 08:19:58

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

Parenting Orders

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 08:05:05

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

Separation of parents is an extremely complex area to deal with. Children are often used as . . . collateral in the process and unfortunately the DVO laws have exacerbated the issue. I propose that NO property settlements be advanced until a firm Parenting Agreement is in place.
The agreement should include financial penalties for breach of the Agreement subject of course to our standing framework of criminal acts.

Water for Everyone

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 07:24:12

State: New South Wales, Queensland

Municipality: NSW – Far West

I would like to see the much talked about Bradfield Scheme 2.0 come to life and bring hope & . . . prosperity to outback Queensland and NSW revitalising the towns and villages that struggle through droughts. But it must be along with the water owned by the Australian People and not overseas entities.


Created: Created: 23/11/2021 07:10:30

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Darling Downs

Fair Taxation System

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 06:58:32

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

A simple 1% debit tax on all transactions, collected by the banks, forwarded to Treasury. That’s . . . it!
-Saves the $20B per year the ATO costs us to operate
-viable due to ‘the velocity of money’
-Tax write-off schemers become null and void
-encourages saving
Example: Wage earner on $50k, if they spend all their wages the annual tax paid is $500, if they spent nothing then zero tax (impossible but its the example).
ALL transaction, including big corporate contracts, govt spending, etc, are included.

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 07:01:11


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains


Created: Created: 23/11/2021 06:51:30

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

The right to say no to experimental drugs with no long term safety. Especially when we know . . . scientists agree they are not safe or effective for everyone. We now also know they don’t stop people getting Covid or spreading it. Stop medical apartheid.

Natural cures first

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 19:57:39

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

Most popular

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 02:50:10

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – North Queensland

Compensated for financial loss/es, harm, damages, injuries, abuses etc done by corporations

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 01:34:54

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Daylesford & Macedon Ranges

Compensated for financial loss/es, loss of income/s, harm, damages, psychological, . . . physical/PTSD-complex PTSD, or other injuries + human rights’ and abuses on top of by corporations including legal society making those once again under poverty losing everything or potential for earn, to can’t work again then causing further headaches or catch 22s instead while on Centrelink. They need to follow their own policies are rules only for their staff

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 01:31:34

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Ms sue

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 00:54:36

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Adelaide Plains

The need for better medical and hospital staff , beds , ambulances, mental health care . SA is . . . struggling hugely with the lack of all of these. Wait times at hospitals is beyond critical. No where near enough staff . Waiting lists for surgeries and mental health support is critical as well. Many more people will die under the current governments, laws and tyrannical regime’s that are being forced upon the people. The government are supposed to work for the people and have their best interests at heart and they absolutely do not have any of our best interests at heart .

True Democracy with our Sovereigns

Created: Created: 23/11/2021 00:16:38

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel

That the whole population sees the complete insanity of the current corrupt corporate system abusing . . . the lands and it’s people. That the whole country moves over to a real democracy decided by the people accountable to the people. These current conditions can never be allowed to happen again.

No vaxx mandates

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 21:29:04

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel

No more vaxx mandates

Donations of food to assist with a community led foodbank

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 21:26:27

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – The Murray

A food bank is being built in Bendigo to support those doing it tough I would like to build this in . . . the Echuca region and wider communities we have established networks through stand in the park and other groups supporting those struggling due to vax status!
Christmas is coming I’m sure most things would be appreciated


Created: Created: 22/11/2021 20:39:39

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – South West

Local government is not the municipality we live in it’s the state.Shires are charging us rates to . . . live in our own houses. They do this illegally by claiming they are local government. THEY ARE NOT


Created: Created: 22/11/2021 20:35:41

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Eyre Peninsula

The right to do what you like with your own property as long as it doesn’t harm others.
Also to
. . . remove heritage listing at no fee if you don’t want it listed as heritage any longer.

The Sun Villages Model

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 20:08:18

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Southern Tablelands

Our new model (the original Perma-Culture from the 70s) makes the affordable housing issue obsolete . . . – and withdraws our super funds and savings from the global casino into the safety and local service via this eco-village model.

Natural cures first

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 19:57:39

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast


Created: Created: 22/11/2021 19:56:53


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains


Created: Created: 22/11/2021 19:34:53

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Daylesford & Macedon Ranges

All current politicians state, Federal and Local must step down and the corporations to be de . . . registered, for all governments and departments, Police, Judges, AEC and all other registered government departments must all swear allegiance to the Queen Of England and the constitution. We need to get back to the constitution and remove all laws made since 1973. The people must have the freedom to live their lives without government interference or restrictions.

Security for All Beings

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 19:39:36

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Northern Rivers

I wish for all beings in Australia to have land, security and community. That all would feel a sense . . . of family and belonging and place to call home and access to clean, whole foods.


Created: Created: 22/11/2021 19:27:05

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

Develop self sustainability. Energy: Gas Oil solar, wind, Hydro all manufactured here, Micro schemes . . . not macro big business, Same for agriculture, medicine and education building etc,
All Industry must be Australian owned and work primarily for the benefit and needs of Australians.

Passion and purpose ( to replace work and job)

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:29:53

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

A new way to define the way we complete a task that helps others, a better way to show true value to . . . ones effort and happiness to complete the task. This would be a way to reward some one who completed the task. I would rather have a Passion and purpose towards a task to do that have it as a work or a Job, I would also like the change the term user for Employer to task provider.



Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:41:41

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Central Queensland

All tax dollars that is spent on any item, event and so on must must be transparent and visible for . . . all people to see. Blockchain allows this. Corruption from politicians needs to stop now.


Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:42:29

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Great Southern

Blockchain based national voting system – decentralised and incorruptible

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:29:55

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Sydney
Research the Cardano blockchain, their trust less and decentralised system has
. . . been built from the ground up with the fair and transparent running of countries in mind. Their solution includes decentralised Digital ID, secure and yet transparent governance modules including secure (but still private and anonymous voting systems) etc etc
There are already many countries looking to implement their solution as a way to run their countries in an open and transparent manner that cannot be hacked, cheated or influenced via humans in any way (so no corporate manipulation is possible), everything is transparent, all decisions, ALL spending and voting (with transparent results) could be concluded in just a matter of hours instead of the current archaic way we do this today. There is way to many solutions they offer to list here but l suggest we all look into this as it not only solves our governance issues, it also solves digital identity, (medical records etc, drivers license, land documents etc etc), they also have a global stable coin that could be used by the people of Australia that is also not part of our corrupt fiat based paper money system that is controlled by a ruling family elite…we have literally been held back by these systems (and the creatures behind them) for the last 2 centuries)…it’s time we saw behind the curtain and started using technology to “help mankind” instead of just control it!

Many Things

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:15:24

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

Free Schooling for everyone, little bureaucracy for everyone, more unemployed money so that any . . . person can live with dignity, little medical costs for everyone, free community centers for troubled men and women, less travel costs, small communities who can self-sustain, sovereign wealth-fund for Australia, high-speed rail to link country, accessible housing countrywide, less income inequality,

Arts and inter-Cultural Education

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:11:37

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – North Queensland

Fruit trees in city

Fruit trees in city

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:12:22

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

Fruit trees in city so people and homeless can eat freely

Alternative power

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:08:02

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Adelaide Hills/Mount Lofty Ranges

With alternative clean power, power could be free or very low cost for everyone with everyone . . . generating energy. Current infrastructure does not fully support massive amounts power feeding into the grid as it was designed to work in the opposite direction. This needs to change.


Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:05:54

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Far North Queensland

Tully-Millstream Hydro Dam
Millstream Dam & Herbert River Dam for Irrigation and food growing

All States and all Federal governments

Created: Created: 22/11/2021 18:09:08

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: WA – Peel


Created: Created: 22/11/2021 14:01:16

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Great Ocean Road

Want to be self sufficient by the coast

Truth, justice, freedom and love.

Created: Created: 21/11/2021 08:47:40

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Yarra Valley & Dandenongs


Created: Created: 21/11/2021 08:21:20

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Central West Queensland

I wish for the community to receive the help they need where Allied Health are not stopped from . . . working due to vaccine mandates.Everyone should be able to make their own choice and be able to continue with staff they know and trust

Created: Created: 19/11/2021 22:20:58

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Darling Downs

new wish

Created: Created: 18/11/2021 13:29:00

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Northern Tablelands

test wish

test est

Created: Created: 18/11/2021 12:43:35

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

tes test

test test

Created: Created: 18/11/2021 12:43:08

State: Victoria

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains


Created: Created: 18/11/2021 12:36:39

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Created: Created: 18/11/2021 12:32:11

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Created: Created: 18/11/2021 12:25:24

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Water stations for wildlife

Created: Created: 18/11/2021 07:10:44

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

Right to bear arms & self preservation

Created: Created: 18/11/2021 00:34:57

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

education system

Created: Created: 17/11/2021 23:57:53

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: WA – South West

Travelling to the mainland

Created: Created: 17/11/2021 23:31:12

State: Tasmania, Western Australia

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Free return traveling to the mainland by boat from Hobart and Devonport.

Freedom for all Australians Guaranteed

Created: Created: 17/11/2021 18:15:28

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

We want all Australians to live in freedom of choice regarding the place of abode, education ,, . . . health care, occupation , to travel throughout the country with no barriers, expression by mouth and in writing and reading , a government that is not a corporation or corporations registred in the USA , changes to the law only through a referendum and the citizens approval if we send our military to a conflict not started by us, only if we are attacked.

Sovereign living

Created: Created: 17/11/2021 17:06:00

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Create a private community that is dedicated to teaching those in the community who have been hit . . . hard by the disconnected and fragile society that is only getting worse by the day. Hold workshops on self sustainable living. How to construct an affordable but long lasting self sustaining home ,alternative energies, alternative medicines, food growing, bee keeping. Bring in guest speakers and various experts in their fields of inner peace,mindfulness techniques,finances, human communication sovereignty and so on. All on a beautiful plot of land large enough for a small community to operate from.

Keep borders open within communities

Created: Created: 16/11/2021 21:48:31

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

No medical apartheid

Created: Created: 16/11/2021 21:35:27

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

Prevent medical apartheid from dividing this nation


Created: Created: 15/11/2021 11:30:08

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

My desire is for all the shires and councils in Australia to be recognized as what they are and that . . . is a corporate business (not government). They should not be shut down but fraudulent operations such as fining the public needs to cease. Rates can continue but should be renamed to contract levy which is an agreed amount you pay to receive council services such as bin collections, verge and local parks maintenance etc.

Tribalism for Good

Created: Created: 13/11/2021 21:11:23

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

I wish for people to restore their original commonsense, give up technocracy and care for each . . . other. Get back to basics, close off the roads and have street stalls, children playing and people supporting each other.
Ban all government social welfare and handouts, take care of each other and it is no longer required.


Created: Created: 11/11/2021 22:24:27

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Adelaide Hills/Mount Lofty Ranges

break our covenant with death


Created: Created: 11/11/2021 20:07:42

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Yarra Valley & Dandenongs

Created: Created: 11/11/202106:07:35

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Central Coast

Wish to have land and living premises that can be used as a Mind-Body healing centre using . . . alternative health assessment tools and treatments. I have been practising nutritional and ayurvedicmedicine for 30 years in Mosman NSW. Now I and my family wish to find a sanctuary elsewhere.

Pania Tehaara

Created: Created: 10/11/202117:53:12

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Wide Bay-Burnett

Mrs Gail Green

Created: Created: 09/11/202114:49:41

State: New South Wales, Queensland

Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

Freedom & democracy, the whole government needs to stand downstairs

Common Law

Created: Created: 10/11/202115:54:23

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – The Goldfields

That the States and local councils are abolished and the country is set up in regions that are based . . . on Common Law; Assemblies that involve local people within a geographic and lightly delineated area. These Assemblies have represented elected to oversee the provision of utilities, roads, drainage, gardens, national parks, etc
Schools are locally run with parental representation. Students are coved financially by voucher system.
Abolition of Canberra as the seat of Federal government.
ADF is an extension of the Common Law Assembly set up for its supervision.


Created: Created: 10/11/202114:51:04

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Illawarra (Wollongong)

Open & true freedom for all Aussies, without hidden bits.

Created: Created: 10/11/202113:31:49

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Capricorn Coast

Complete & utter true, no exceptions, freedom for everyone.


Created: Created: 10/11/202113:13:33

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Original Sovereign Tribal Federation Recognition

Created: Created: 10/11/202111:52:21

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

I wish that the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation is given it’s due standing and representation . . . on this land, Islands, and sea up to 200km from shore
I feel that when we as a people recognise that we are all hear ‘under’ their protection and approval the great healing work that needs doing can begin
Together we can ‘remember’ and ‘do’ as is more in line with our true nature

Lobby groups

Created: Created: 10/11/202110:24:15


Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

It has become increasingly more obvious that our governments are being manipulated and influenced by . . . powerful lobby groups with financial incentives. Instead of our elected governments representing we the people they are being coerced by powerful lobby groups and representing their interests. We need smaller localized government, with no ability for lobby groups to influence the democratic process of the people for the people.

Native habitat

Created: Created: 10/11/202110:10:15

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Central Tablelands

I wish to see native trees & understory native plants & little heath plants restored to . . . degraded areas of land throughout NSW. Especially for Koalas & our lovely native birds.

Health and wellbeing resort

Created: Created: 10/11/202100:16:25

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Far South Coast

Health and wellbeing resort to be a healthy option for natural healing therapy’s and remedys by . . . healers and people with the gifts of helping the people and planet heal
Alternative to stop hospitals making big business off making the people sick

No foreign ownership of land and infrastructure

Created: Created: 09/11/202123:07:34

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Freedom from tyranny.

Created: Created: 09/11/202121:41:03

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

As an Australian Citizen who has been Disabled for the past 11 years, I want my freedom to chose . . . what medical procedure I will have in my body. My body, my choice. I have this right.


Created: Created: 09/11/202120:53:20

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

End to evil and corrupt Federal & state governments and crimes Against HUMAN Rights legislation . . . and crimes against The GENEVA CONVENTION LAWS enacted by our
criminal political leaders


Created: Created: 09/11/202120:42:03

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

To get a reasonable payout for the crimes that the Victorian Government put me through and making . . . the vaccine mandatory and the stress from loss of work and health and the uncertainty of the vaccine ramifications and the damage that has been caused to us Aussie’s

A new Australian structure

Created: Created: 09/11/202120:33:52

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Kimberley

My Proposal in a Nutshell
What I propose is a nation-wide experiment/action. Let us cast off the
. . . bindings of our past and work towards a different future where we govern ourselves in a decentralised system, where there is no money (or money is used for exchange only), where everyone works at what they can do or aspire to do but in all aspects of their community, where common goals based on 4 principles set our direction and standards/values/morés, where there is no currency to entice/force/motivate just commitment based on personal responsibility, no legal entities, no dole, no pursuit of wealth and power, and no religion. Where people work jobs and for the community equally at a ratio of 3:3 with 1 day for personal development, and community gatherings are more than just Fun Runs and Dating Evenings; more than just getting together at the gym or a fireworks night; where communities decide on roads, buildings, work and leisure, and the well being of all members of that community; where there is no isolation of the individual (for example no single parents – where a parent dies or there is a divorce then a surrogate from the local community will be nominated); where there are no enclaves. Where humanitarianism and naturalesque principles are taught in all aspects of a life-long education system and classrooms are seen as more than 4 walls and a ceiling. Where our agriculture is returned to more natural systems and our health and well being are paramount and food production is based on quality and not profit. Where there are no conglomerates, corporations and individual business interests and all industries are invested in and by the community as cooperatives. Where old cultures and ethnicity is forgotten and dispensed with and a new one developed to suit the conditions of Australia and that anyone not willing to participate will be asked to leave. Where the rest of the world is left to their own devises so we can concentrate on fixing our own problems first before we return to the world stage. Where broad acre farming is dispensed with in favour of smaller natural systems, and our biodiversity is a major focus of our daily activities, and food is supplied freely to those in need in other countries. Where our water and mineral cycles are returned to ensure food of quality that will grow us ‘spiritually’. Where energy production is based on naturalesque systems of pressure and temperature differentials and where water plays an integral part. Where jobs are not something that is paid for but have meaning in both the production of goods and activity that keeps people occupied and happy. Where self development goes hand in hand with community development. A life that dispenses with separation and division and the laws of nature form the basis of our education as well as how we work and play. Education will not be based on subjects but where a holistic systems approach is taken to all facets of life and learning. Esoteric astrology will be the prime subject so that our children learn and act on their soul path. There will be no specialisation and people will not work in isolation of all other things in life. We will redefine the term community so that it means something other than just a town or settlement but intertwines the lives and livelihoods of every person. Cities will be reduced in size so that all parts of the country are inhabited (as much as is possible) so that the energy cycle of humanity can be reintegrated into the energy cycle of nature. Where personal responsibility is the only law of the land and people assume control of all that they do and say and that it is inline with the goals and principles of the whole community. Where people adopt a stance of freewill and critical thinking and the victim stance that has perpetuated our societies for the last several thousand years is turned around into victorhood. Where there are no solely allopathic doctors or specialists for health will be the responsibility of the individual, along with appropriate technologies and methodologies that support life and health from a maintenance perspective. Where there are no heroes and legends and competitive sport not longer dogs our lives. Where there are no television news hours or talking heads and reporters no longer search out all that is bad in our society including the mind numbing roll out of childrens’ entertainment shows that mums and dads use to ‘control’ their behaviour. Where all advertising is dispensed with for there will be no competition or business to promote. Where all chemicals are removed forever from our food, air, clothing, buildings, vehicles, farming and etc. Where buildings are constructed of energy enhancing products that are paramagnetic and not diamagnetic. Where our government is us because we will have a representative participatory model of democracy. There will be no parties just individual representatives who are not professional politicians. Where there will be only one social support system that treats everyone equally and without favour or refrain. There will be no ownership only tenancy. Natural law will be the mainstay of our interactions.
This is a complete turn around to our lives and it will be a major undertaking to allow all humans the time and resources to internalise, but there must be an understanding that those who would stand to gain from maintaining the status quo will do their damnedest to convince all to leave things alone. Humanity and this planet cannot afford for this to happen. When push comes to shove, those that fight to retain the old ways will have to be dealt with. At some stage in the near future each person will have to decide where they stand, and for some where they will die if they do not allow the rest of us to move forward to a better future. As harsh as this sounds humanity has no other way to rid itself of a disastrous past, and a new future cannot exist based on that past.

Created: Created: 09/11/202118:14:26

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Created: Created: 09/11/202118:07:50

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Paedophiles, Politicians & CHO arrested


Created: Created: 09/11/202116:44:11

State: New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria

Municipality: SA – Murray Mallee

Small average home

Respect for all Earth Beings

Created: Created: 09/11/202115:46:46

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

I wish for respect, dignity, peace, freedom, harmony and comfort for Earth and all Earthlings. I . . . wish that the human heart be healed and that we be good stewards of the Earth.

A safe haven

Created: Created: 09/11/202115:41:19

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Somewhere safe to live, a piece of land, a community.

Mrs Gail Green

Created: Created: 09/11/202114:49:41

State: New South Wales, Queensland

Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

Freedom & democracy, the whole government needs to stand downstairs

Choice and opportunity

Created: Created: 09/11/202114:36:37

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Fleurieu Peninsula

I wish for all Australians to have freedom of speech, opportunity for home ownership, freedom of . . . choice for medical treatment of any kind, freedom of association, travel and affordable living and employment opportunities and incomes for all pensioner’s and disability that are dignified. Cheaper energy and a clean environment with sustainability.

First nations people

Created: Created: 09/11/202113:02:27

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

I would like to see the First Nation people recognised for their ownership of the continent called . . . Australia. I would like it recognised that England broke human rights and committed genocide when they invaded this land and deemed it Terra Nullus

Helena Bell

Created: Created: 09/11/202108:19:12

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

Love Light and Freedom to live on our Sacred Earth as sovereign people and custodians of our home.

Return to government of the people

Created: Created: 08/11/202109:07:19

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

The complete removal of the current corporation of the commonwealth of Australia as registered in . . . the USA and a return to government for the people, by the people. with common law at the center of ouyr judicial system.

Created: Created: 05/11/202111:56:12

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Free energy, real medicine, cures, access to shamans/spiritual teachers, focus on god and higher . . . power not “science” science has its place but it will never replace GOD, no taxes (there all un necessary) natural law not man made laws, reduce government to 1/100 of current size, focus on Australia and our history, community gatherings, removal of ALL petty laws no man has the right to govern over another man, a bill of rights, gun ownership, politician term lengths, fixed salaries

What I wish for Australia

Created: Created: 05/11/202112:21:30

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast

Everyone has total freedom in all aspects of their lives. Where they live, how they work, how they . . . raise their children, when and where to travel to, what to put into their bodies. People live in like minded communities of all ages from babies to the older generation. And everyone is respected including animals who are also free. We eat our own grown food. We sing, dance, celebrate, and do what we like providing we do no harm to anyone, any animal or to Mother Nature.

Created: Created: 05/11/202111:56:12

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Free energy, real medicine, cures, access to shamans/spiritual teachers, focus on god and higher . . . power not “science” science has its place but it will never replace GOD, no taxes (there all un necessary) natural law not man made laws, reduce government to 1/100 of current size, focus on Australia and our history, community gatherings, removal of ALL petty laws no man has the right to govern over another man, a bill of rights, gun ownership, politician term lengths, fixed salaries

Stop covod mandates on every area

Created: Created: 04/11/202119:23:28

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Stop mandates and vaccination records for all Australians whether it be domestic or international.

Restore the constitution democracy and human rights in Australia

Created: Created: 03/11/202120:00:08

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

I wish for the lieing corrupt traitorous polititions who have disregarded the Australian . . . Constitution to be removed from all levels of government in Australia


Created: Created: 03/11/202118:52:32

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

Created: Created: 03/11/202113:08:46


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Hemp and Cannabis

Created: Created: 03/11/202111:14:07

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Created: Created: 03/11/202101:27:28

State: South Australia

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains


Created: Created: 02/11/202119:45:25


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

I wish for all people to own a home/property/properties and feel stability, reassurance and . . . happiness without being slaves to the system. When we don’t need to work for the bank we can be creative and pursue our passions and enjoy our lives and families.

Created: Created: 02/11/202119:35:02

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Yarra Valley & Dandenongs

Hybrid Hydrogen/Electric Charger Hubs with Battery storage

Created: Created: 02/11/202118:42:33

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast


Created: Created: 02/11/202118:03:26

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast


Created: Created: 02/11/202118:00:03


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Created: Created: 02/11/202113:22:11


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Pace e Bene

Created: Created: 02/11/202113:19:27

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains



Created: Created: 01/11/202122:53:08

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Yarra Valley & Dandenongs

No more pandemic. New humain gov that is not a freemason, but a person with good stable morals, . . . fears G-d, does what is written in Constitution, Nuremberg Code and in G-d’s commandments. a person that is pro live, pro people, pro G-d, and arranges justice in court and court system and makes people free of unlawful taxes, free of medical tyrrany, get rid of Big Farma from Australia, so that people can finally live in peace.

Health Freedom

Created: Created: 01/11/202118:21:26

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Great Ocean Road

My Body – my choice

Health Sovereignty

Created: Created: 01/11/202117:09:39

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

Freedom of Choice, Human Rights Respected,
All Choice belongs to the Sovereign Free Living
. . . Man/Woman, not the Government
No Medical Mandates Ever.
No Coercian and Blackmailing through Fear of Loss of Job or Livelihood
All Beings are NOW Restored of their TRUE Sovereignty and Freedom and all false narratives will wither in the LIGHT of the Embodied Powerful Beings That We ARE.
And SO It IS.

No More Restrictions

Created: Created: 01/11/202117:07:43

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Far North

Get rid of State Governments

Created: Created: 01/11/202116:36:13

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Cut out State Government, saving millions of dollars and have local councils continue to run . . . municipal type structures, local roads etc and Federal Government to oversee the balance of power for the whole country.


Created: Created: 01/11/202116:31:34

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel

I would like to see a government in place where relevant ministers are experts in their respective . . . fields and are there for the betterment of the country alone. In other words, no financial incentives to be there, just a passion for making Australia better. Corruption from government officials dealt with most harshly and the positions would be of a nature that it is a personal sacrifice. (decent salary but cannot derive more than a set modest income from any other source.
With that said, God MUST be reintroduced to society, government must play a far less intrusive part in peoples lives (less but firmer laws) and media regulated beyond question to report honestly and impartially.

Freedom to decide what is best for one’s self without judgement or discrimination.

Created: Created: 01/11/202116:27:12

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Northern Rivers

Allow travel across all State borders !

Created: Created: 01/11/202109:59:09

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Allow travel across all State borders !

Get rid of state Governments

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:09:53

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Far North Queensland

We take back our democracy and save our children

We take back our democracy and save our children

Created: Created: 01/11/202101:25:31

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Northern Rivers

I wish that Australians will be free again, free from the medical tyranny and apartheid. I wish that . . . all people involved in pedophilia will be caught and tried in a court of law. All politicians should declare their assets when they take office. We, the people should have a say in major policies that affect our daily lives and keep the politicians in check.

The Rule of Law- Aspects to Anti Despotism

Created: Created: 31/10/202123:56:24

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

No one is exempt from he law or the law of the land. No government has been given cart blanche raw . . . power to rule as power brokers over its constituents whom they are servants to. Accountability of government. Revision of the Emergency Powers stripping every avenue that will open the way for despotic tyrant power brokers to exploit. Emergency Powers are not to over power the higher laws which protect freedom and the right for the people to choose and self determination. One nation first and foremost; everyone from other states have the right to support other constituents from other electorates in other states if it is necessary to curb the potential that despotism in the offending state has the potential of spreading nationally. Increase powers of Governor General or reinstate the Privy Council.

National ownership of Utilities resources

Created: Created: 31/10/202123:00:13

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: WA – Peel


Created: Created: 31/10/202118:40:00

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

We all make informed decisions on our own health choices without fear of discrimination or coercion.

Fair and equal treatment of all Australians

Fair and equal treatment of all Australians

Created: Created: 31/10/202117:57:07

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Illawarra (Wollongong)

A Fair Life for All

Multiple occupancy

Created: Created: 31/10/202116:16:50

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast

The right to own land collectively to build intentional communities should be available to people. . . . New models for living in supportive communities need to be allowed so that these can be developed by those wishing to try new ways of living and connecting together.

Change in the land ownership laws.

Created: Created: 31/10/202115:48:25

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast

If ownership of land is to continue in as it currently stands, it should not be threatened by others . . . making claims on the water resources or minerals on land owned by another party. Ownership of a piece of land, particularly residential land, should include water and minerals so that no one can interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of one’s home and garden.

No fluoride in the water supply.

Created: Created: 31/10/202115:30:29


Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast

Before fluoride was added to he municipal water supply several years ago, a local referendum was . . . undertaken within the shire by the council. The result was overwhelmingly against the introduction of fluoride yet the state government insisted that it go ahead. This is a toxic industrial waste that should not be released into the environment at all, let alone put into people’s drinking water.

No more surveillance

Created: Created: 31/10/202114:55:06

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Great Ocean Road

I would like the Government to leave people to go where they please at their own risk If the Andrews . . . Government wishes to think that. We should not be forced to have a medical record either. Safe script is unfair and leads to bigger problems as does my Health record. I was brave enough to get ORT after suffering chronic pain that didn’t do away and because of that I can no longer get treatment for my ADHD but I am forced to be jabbed with an experimental drug for work. Personal human rights like the right to feel and be safe, the right to privacy and the right to adequate medical treatment including psychiatric and pain management especially after surgery should not be prevented by stigma.

Grow abundant nutritious food

Created: Created: 31/10/202114:09:35

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – The Goldfields

The ability to grow sustainable gardens from our own collected seeds or using the seed savers group . . . from our local area without restrictions. Use of irrigation without contaminants added such as fluoride, graphene, chloride if accessing town water. To limit overhead flying planes to be redirected or restricted to fly overhead and ban all forms of chemical trails into the airways. To be able to collect water without restriction on property to then use in irrigation and growing of food grown. To be able to own chickens and small fowls if in suburbia without restriction. To be able to share with neighbours, friends food from our garden either in a barter system or as gifts and to receive also from others produce as gifts or as a barter transaction.


Created: Created: 31/10/202114:01:01

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

I wish for the people of Latrobe Valley to be able to live freely, breathe clean air, drink pure . . . water with no contaminates in it and for everyone to express themselves without conviction and live by their heart’s desire to be themselves.

Eco farm Health retreat for sale

Created: Created: 31/10/202113:56:43

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Central West

Eco farm or Health retreat for sale

Freedom For All

Freedom For All

Created: Created: 31/10/202112:10:06

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast

Created: Created: 30/10/202122:08:30


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Created: Created: 30/10/202122:06:58


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Cancel all the group C-19 medical mandates

Created: Created: 30/10/202120:59:31


Municipality: WA – Peel

No group medical mandates in relation to C-19

Reinvent schooling

Created: Created: 30/10/202120:38:34


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

All over Australia

water the outback

Created: Created: 30/10/202117:57:38

State: New South Wales, Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Far North Queensland

Bill of Rights for Australians

Created: Created: 30/10/202116:21:34

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Yarra Valley & Dandenongs

A renewed Bill of rights that encapsulates our inalienable rights, freedom of speech, right to . . . privacy, right NOT to be surveilled, sovereignty, rights to access a public owned bank, right to lawful treatment as a living man/woman, freedom from maritime law and PERSONAGE, freedom from political parties/foreign interference/secret societies etc… A BORs that takes the best from 1688, (the USA’s even) so it actually empowers and adds freedom for each Australian now and for the future. A BORs can sit front and centre of our Constitution, and like the constitution, can only be improved and strengthened for the good of each individual Australian, via referendum.

our own choice

Created: Created: 30/10/202116:23:00

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Central Queensland


Created: Created: 30/10/202116:16:37

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Mid West

I wish to acknowledge and return to the commonwealth constitution and our rights, the rule of law, . . . that keeps us safe from government overreach and tyranny. I wish to return to our sovereignty and freedoms.


Created: Created: 30/10/202109:51:11

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

I wish for certificates not to be a requirement for employment. Maintaining community access and . . . participation for all citizens. The right to work and earn a wage or conduct a business should be Fundamental.

Freedom from fear

Created: Created: 30/10/202115:00:24

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – The Goldfields

I wish to see an end to the lies, deceit, death and destruction of our civil, human, and . . . constitutional rights. I wish to see our leaders replaced with people who actually care about us and not about their big backhanders. We are on the verge of totalitarianism, dictatorship and fascism…all the same. We are at the gates of hell and so few are AWAKE! awake us Australia before it’s too late.

Free markets, movement and medical autonomy

Created: Created: 30/10/202114:32:20

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

To remove the draconian powers and for the spirit of each person mto rule their soverigninity.

Reforestation Environment

Created: Created: 30/10/202113:17:59

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Geelong & Bellarine

COVID Vaccine

Created: Created: 30/10/202113:03:55

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Barossa Valley

No mandatory vaccines and no vaccine passports

Local governance

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:19:47

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NT – Barkly Tableland

Have grass roots industry & local government for local issues, no state government. Become more . . . reliant on what we can do & not what someone law can do for us. Regionalism not globalist view. Grass roots bottoms up.. we have the power & need to take back control

Mr Griebel

Created: Created: 30/10/202112:17:23

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

I would like a free Australia, for all , with equal opportunities for those who seek them, the . . . removal of the corrupt government, the end of compulsory voting , the same education and healthcare for our indigenous people, and the removal or huge reduction in officials in the 3 layers of politics, ie National, State ,Council.

Aboriginal law.

Created: Created: 30/10/202111:02:21


Municipality: NT – Arnhem Land

It is high time that we concidered the laws that govern the indigenous peoples of Australia. I’m not . . . advocating total changes but I see that there is a lot of confusion on the traditional aboriginals of Australia as to how there law fit into the system. There law aren’t seriously concidered when handling sentences and maybe it time we allowed them the responsibility to punish their people and to give credence to their rights as the first nation.

Fruit Trees

Created: Created: 30/10/202110:48:21

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast


Created: Created: 30/10/202109:57:55

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Murraylands


Created: Created: 30/10/202109:51:11

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

I wish for certificates not to be a requirement for employment. Maintaining community access and . . . participation for all citizens. The right to work and earn a wage or conduct a business should be Fundamental.


Created: Created: 30/10/202109:21:25

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

I wish to lie freely again, without the constant threat of lockdown. To be able to enter into any . . . business without discussing medical procedures. To have a Premier that cares for their state rather than trying to intimidate and control the people.

Provide for Australia first

Created: Created: 30/10/202109:15:48


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

There are Australian jobs going to international employees when there are unemployed Australians, . . . Australian food going to international markets, when Australians can’t afford to buy food. Australian resources going to overseas processors instead of setting up Australia to make its own goods. Australian farmers are being punished by unfair clearing, water and marketing rules. Let’s look after Australia.

For True Democracy

Created: Created: 30/10/202107:25:46

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South West Queensland

We want all state & Territory & Federal government officials and employees to observe and . . . support our Australian Privacy Act 1988, Biosecurity Acts, Unalienable Human Rights and The Nuremberg Code for all Australians immediately.

Enforce Common Law

Enforce Common Law

Created: Created: 30/10/202107:37:31

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

No to medical fascism

Wish list

Created: Created: 30/10/202107:11:46

State: Tasmania

Municipality: TAS – North & North East

Created: Created: 30/10/202106:34:27

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Wide Bay-Burnett

For total Sovereign (Natural) Law, Australia wide! No council rates or income taxes! No . . . “registrations”, which are fraudulent, as we only sign over whatever we register to the state!! Vehicle or baby, registration is giving ownership to a corrupt government!!! This entire Maritime Law system must be dismantled!!
We the people are the Government, and that has been taken from us, fraudulently!!!!

No more International trade until we have made everything we can onshore in Australia

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:58:01

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

We need to stop international trade. Until we have had enough time to rebuild local industry . . . ourselves. Then and only then should we import only what we can not produce on shore.
This will not be easy to walk the journey. But the results would be a much better outcome for many who have been side lined by international trade. And those seeking employment inside their local communities.

Town Hall Councils by the people for the people

Created: Created: 30/10/202105:18:52

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: SA – Eyre Peninsula

Local councils currently are too big and do not serve their intended purpose. Local issues used to . . . be nutted out in local meetings of local people. Rates now are exorbitant.

Revert to our correct Constitution of 1901.

Created: Created: 30/10/202102:37:51

State: Tasmania

Municipality: TAS – Central & Midlands

Revert to our correct Constitution of 1901, where common law applies and not the parallel Australian . . . Constitution the corporate government illegally installed gradually since 1973.

A charter of Rights

Created: Created: 30/10/202100:53:31

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

A charter of citizens rights that can never be set aside, mandated against or changed by state or . . . federal legislation. Rights that bring confidence to all Australians for our future as a people, as parents, as employees, as employers, as business owners and as human beings of intrinsic value. A charter of rights for those who will come after us and inherit that charter by birth or immigration


Created: Created: 30/10/202100:31:41

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

I would very much like to see all state premiers,health ministers,chief of police . . . commissioners,superintendents,and all police responsible for mistreating,deceiving,and incarcerating,innocent people,for enforcing border closures,mask,social distancing,and innoculation ,mandates,and for treason,crimes against humanity,and…the Nuremberg Code,arrested,tried in a common law court,with a jury of 12,and let justice be done….in every state and territory of Australia.

No medical apartheid discrimination or force

Created: Created: 30/10/202100:15:56

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

There is no fear mongering by any government, medical doctors or anyone else. People are given true . . . information and allowed to make up their own minds. The government is tranparent.

Indigenous Knowledge Keepers

Created: Created: 30/10/202100:03:46

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

The culture of Original Australians before white settlement was in harmony with nature, with . . . community and with spirit. Certain members of their community have retained the knowledge of how to live this way. Our population looks to them now to teach us how to create the same kind of harmonious life style.

Anthony Cincotta.

Created: Created: 29/10/202123:34:45

State: Victoria

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Governance by popular vote and always the will of the people that bother to get involved.


Created: Created: 29/10/202122:33:53

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

For the whole of the Australian Public to be given back their human rights and dignity. To never be . . . forced into putting something into their body that they do not wish to. It also means freedom of speech and the right to speak freely and openly, peacefully. To be never forced into shut down again, taking the publics control away from them and trying to force them to do something or they can’t move around their own country freely, loss of education & employment, being fired for not doing as ordered to do so or loosing businesses. To informed the public correctly and questions answers by all politicians.

Equal Distribution of Mining Royalties to All People of this Nation

Created: Created: 29/10/202122:02:00

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel

It is our wish for more equality in distribution of wealth and prosperity – generated from . . . harvesting and selling of the Energy and Resources from the natural environment of this country.
This wealth ought to be considered “common good” and royalties from profits ought to be equally distributed unto the citizens of this nation.
The money generated – should be held in a trust- accessible to fund individuals contribution towards the common good of the nation.
Funds ought to be specifically allocated to education – training – care – healing – community and other activities that assist our countrymen and women to prosper with more ease and purpose.

Freedom & Intelligence

Created: Created: 29/10/202122:03:50

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

Freedom laughter the pursuit of happiness all vital for the Australian way of life. What would it . . . take for the corrupt government, politicians and media to be thrown out and replaced by representatives who are looking after the people


Created: Created: 29/10/202122:01:56


Municipality: SA – Fleurieu Peninsula

Bill of Rights

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:05:57

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

I want Australia to have a constructional bill of rights that will serve to protect the rights of . . . all Australians from the threat of tyrannical dictatorships and laws that undermine human rights and their God given freedom.



Created: Created: 29/10/202121:55:01

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

Free Australia

Created: Created: 29/10/202121:20:01

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Fleurieu Peninsula

Australian people need to stop fearing what’s happening, stop watching the MSM , wake up make your . . . own health decision’s, you’re not a child, don’t let the government treat you like one. You’re losing your freedom for what you think is security. At what cost.

Created: Created: 29/10/202121:13:43


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

I wish natural therapies/ alternative therapies and dental to have the same medicare status as the . . . conventional medicine (e.g. hospitals, GPs etc). I expect to pay a subsidised price for any of these services.

Fully self funded retirees

Created: Created: 29/10/202121:11:35

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Yarra Valley & Dandenongs

Fully self funded retirees do not get the concessions on car registration, utilities, pharmaceutical . . . scripts, council rates that people on government pensions get. People who are not burdens on the tax payer in retirement are being financially sanctioned for saving for their old age. They do this, not because they are rich, but through careful management of their finances and wise investments. It is unfair that they are punished for being thrifty.

Bill of Rights for Citizens

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:56:12

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – South West

I would like to see a Bill of Rights that protects the civil and personal rights of all Australian . . . Citizens and Indigenous peoples. A private members bill was sponsored before Parliament in 2019 and now time for it to be passed.

death penalty for treason

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:57:29

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Riverina

time to round up the traitorous betrayers of Australia.

death penalty for treason

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:57:29

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Riverina

time to round up the traitorous betrayers of Australia.

Created: Created: 29/10/202121:00:17


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Aboriginal rights

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:54:25

State: Tasmania

Municipality: TAS – North West

Mr Robert Rutherford

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:45:01

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Central Queensland

Freedom for All

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:42:18

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast

Bodily autonomy

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:42:03

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:42:03


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:36:59

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Adelaide Plains

Local governance

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:19:47

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NT – Barkly Tableland

Have grass roots industry & local government for local issues, no state government. Become more . . . reliant on what we can do & not what someone law can do for us. Regionalism not globalist view. Grass roots bottoms up.. we have the power & need to take back control

Hover transport

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:17:43

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Central Queensland


Created: Created: 29/10/202120:09:02

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

It is time to stop all the corruption in our Government, Judiciary, Police, Hospitals and Business.

Change how we are doing educated.

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:14:06

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Central Queensland

Wholistic teaching of real knowledge to open our potential to the universial frequency. The wisdom . . . of truth freedom
& real health. Wisdom Teaching that have b em suppressed & hiding.

Allow disclosure on free energy,

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:10:22

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Drought proof a nation.

Created: Created: 29/10/202120:03:28

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia

Municipality: QLD – Far North Queensland

Build Bradfield scheme.

Free Tertiary Education

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:57:54

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)


Created: Created: 29/10/202119:40:00

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – South Coast

There needs to be a core paid group of staff qualified in a certain area such as Agriculture, . . . economy, education, i infrastructure etc and a set number of unpaid community members who join in for a specified time, such as 6 or 12 months. These can volunteer to participate and then be called by ballot when new people are needed, such as two or three from each state for national issues and perhaps 6 or 8 for smaller local groups. The paid staff handle all the paperwork and delivery of the project. The citizens are there for ideas, questions and checks and balances and to make sure the interests of the community are being met. As a group the citizens can call for the dismissal of staff who are incompetent, corrupt or not working in the interests of the community.

Dental care bulk billed to Medicare

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:54:09

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

That Medicare pay for dental care and that this should all be bulk billed

Commonwealth Constitution 1901

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:44:23

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Maranoa

Government back under the Commonwealth Constitution 1901, the schools teach the Commonwealth . . . constitution 1901 starting from year one, arrest and trial these public servants under section 44(i) of the commonwealth of Australia Constitution 190. No more jabs, open the borders as per section 92 of the commonwealth of Australia constitution, Nuremberg format to trial all these people pushing this experiment on the people without their full consent

National Railway System

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:48:49

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

To have an extensive railway system around and over the entire country for the purposes of public . . . transportation. To build more railway lines, to replace buses routes with railway lines. To merge all state automated ticketing systems into one and have one card for the entire country (e.g merge the NSW Opal card with the Vic Myki card etc… and those of other states). One national transport card/ automated ticket.

Rev Euan McDonald

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:48:05

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

A fair go for all Australians especially for those who have been put down for some reason!

Free Public Transport for Social Security recipients

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:45:31

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Free Public transport for Social Security recipients


Created: Created: 29/10/202119:42:46


Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

A fair and just government free from corruption

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:38:08

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

An open and just society , leaders picked from good people , no money to be paid , an honorary . . . position , however their bills to be paid ect , fair remuneration but closely watched . A peaceful foreign policy with sensible help to our neighbours.

Abolish the States

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:35:51


Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Abolish the states, merge local councils into regions. Have a 2 tier governmental structure only- . . . Federal Parliament and Regional Councils. This will save several billion dollars each year. One parliament in Australia is sufficient.

Housing for Homeless

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:23:01

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – South Coast

There should be no empty government houses. These can all be given to the homeless but there must be . . . responsibilty from the residents for upkeep and maintenance or perhaps if they look after it they can earn rewards towards ownership down the track or upgrading. There are multiple ways this can be done. It is important that they have to give something of their time or resources as completely free stuff is often not valued. They could earn benefits towards rental or ownership by mowing lawns, gardening for those who can’t, baby sitting, dog walking, painting, volunteering, life saving patrol, etc. Everyone needs to give back to the community in some way for self esteem, self achievement and the benefit of helping others

Anti-Corruption Policy

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:29:51

State: Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Phillip Island

A policy or policies in place that restrict and prevent attempts and “backdoor” loopholes that allow . . . for an abuse of power, monetary status, authority in forms such as news/media, health, social influence.

Free electricity for all Australia

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:32:38

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Free Electricity for all people in Australia

Re-open the Cessnock railwayline

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:25:25

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Re-opening of the Cessnock Railway line to passenger services. Extend the line to Morisset in one . . . direction and all the way into Newcastle in the other direction. The buses are too slow and infrequent.

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:22:09


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains


Created: Created: 29/10/202119:14:49

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – South Coast

Dr. D

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:12:48

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Darling Downs

My wish would be a truly fair, honest and free system of justice. Only those with the highest level . . . of compassion, morality and tamed ego would be allowed on the judiciary.

Bill Of Rights for all Australians

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:02:58


Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

Drought Proof Australia. The Bradfield Plan.

Common Mans Bank

Created: Created: 29/10/202119:00:40

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – South West

Making money a slave to we the common man and not the other way around as it currently is.

Happiness, Respect, Care

Created: Created: 29/10/202118:39:08

State: Victoria

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Tourists & Locals benefit

Created: Created: 29/10/202118:28:45

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Fleurieu Peninsula

A Tidal Pool, for safe ocean swimming for elderly & young ones, perfect location, break wall at . . . Witton bluff, “ALL” political & Council have ignored numerous suggestions & ideas.


Created: Created: 29/10/202118:32:41

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Constitution to be taught in School

Created: Created: 29/10/202118:15:39

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Southern Highlands

Any laws contrary to constitution to be repealed.
Local magistrates, supreme and high courts must
. . . show how they are abiding/aligned to the constitution in their rulings.

First Nation Schools

Created: Created: 29/10/202118:05:36

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NT – Darwin Region

First Nations people groups who have children speaking native language or distinct creole to receive . . . education in their preferred native language. English as a 2nd language to be offered as an elective and not as a core subject.

Freedom of choice

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:57:59

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Mid North Coast

It should never be the government who dictates our choice of medical treatment including euthenasia, . . . when living life is comprromised vecause of health.
This article offers free shipping on qualified Face mask products, or buy online and pick up in store today at Medical Department
Healthy fresh food – community veg gardens and streets lined with fruit, nut, avocado, mango trees.

Recognising God Creator daily as our provider and deliverer

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:56:59


Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

2 Chronicles 7:14
King James Version
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
. . . themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Created: Created: 29/10/202117:50:49

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Darling Downs

Freedom as outlined in the constitution

Affordable Dental

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:52:51

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Quality dentistry is unaffordable to large portions of the population. Somehow dentists need to be . . . paid for their work but people also need access. Cavity pain and infection is common and has a drastic impact on overall health. Investigation into why this is so expensive and braininstoriming ways to change that

Deregulate schooling

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:47:32


Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Schooling is a fail it has become a propaganda machine where our children are being corrupted. They . . . are being bullied into suicide and spend their childhoods miserable. Remove mandates on schooling and introduce trades for children. Children have interests they want to explore such as animal husbandry, gardening, crafts, cooking, music etc which should offer them payment for their abilities just as any other person would. Children can learn better doing things they enjoy more than what they do not.

Restore gun ownership

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:44:05

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland


Created: Created: 29/10/202117:42:43

State: Victoria

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Free mental health drop in centre with case workers

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:38:34

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

To reduce mental Illness by addressing peoples needs when in crisis without judgement


Created: Created: 29/10/202117:23:54

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Yarra Valley & Dandenongs

An honest government which represents it’s constituents, not big business
A government which cannot
. . . take bribes for votes
A government which passes laws which are open to scrutiny and which protects it’s citizens
A government which is answerable to the people throughout it’s elected time.

Crowd funded community projects and infrastructure development

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:04:20

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South Burnett

Crowd funded community projects and infrastructure development, thus giving the community greater . . . oversight into development expenditure and project efficiency while removing overburdening and overpaid corporate middlemen and corrupt funding leakage. Removal of forced taxation with a return to a precious metals monetary standard.

Freedom of choice

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:04:48

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel

I wish for tueth to prevail for all people’s, governments to be reinvented, honesty in banking, . . . insurance, politician’s, service’s to needy people be equal to medical needs of all others. NO MANDATORY MEDICAL PROCEDURES.
INTEGRATY in in all processes of power .

Agricultural soil remediation

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:05:50

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory

Municipality: QLD – Wide Bay-Burnett

Investors, farmers and land required around Australia.
Farmers need irrigation and grain harvesting
. . . facilities.
There is a foundation already established, along with a business strategy.


Created: Created: 29/10/202117:01:44

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Central Coast

No more Covid19 Jabs – No more Medical Passports

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:56:22

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

The cessation of all criminal acts of Covid19 Jabs and medical passports illegally initiated . . . against long established rules of ” INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS and our Governments Criminal actions contrary to ” THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS” – international LAWS

Revive our town

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:07:12

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

I wish that something could be done to revive our town. Too many stores are empty and many . . . businesses are up for sale. Our once happy thriving town is turning into a ghost town. There needs to be some assistance so that businesses can afford the rent on the properties.

Youth crime

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:03:43

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Far North Queensland

Youth are re offending as the penalties are too light if penalised at all. Break-ins car theft and . . . disregard for road rules are the worst problems. Police are doing a good job caching them.

Australia desperately needs new governance

Created: Created: 29/10/202117:03:20

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

New governance for Australia

Mental Health Availability

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:22:29

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel

The approved Clinical Hypnotherapists are given the same ‘go to’ status as Counsellors and . . . Psychologists when dealing with Anxiety, Depression, Fears, Phobias, Anger and Traumas.

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:53:38

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

The recent Royal Commission investigation into banking in Australia, clearly demonstrated we are . . . being served by corrupt banksters who do exactly as they wish without any real accountability. We must take back our financial destiny to express the best interests of the people, and future generations. Our heritage has been stolen by greedy unprincipled bankers seeking to enrich themselves, and their shareholders, at the expense of all Aussies.

Abolish State Governments

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:57:14

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

After the COVID meltdown, with businesses closing, people put under house arrest, false PCR tests . . . and a “keep up with the Jones’ mentality by the various Chief Health Officers in each state vying for the “biggest bastard” title, IT IS TIME TO RID OURSELVES OF THESE PETTY, CLUELESS BUREAUCRATS AND GET ONE DECENT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

Community coming together and building tribes.

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:35:38

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – South Gippsland

Take Back Our Democratic Frfeedoms

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:43:56

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

Regain our Democratic Rights

Freedom to do as you please

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:38:55

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Illawarra (Wollongong)

As above

Respect for all living beings

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:32:44

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

Please treat all living and sentient beings with kindness and respect and as individuals.

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:30:32


Municipality: VIC – South Gippsland



Created: Created: 29/10/202116:27:42

State: Northern Territory

Municipality: NT – Top End

I wish to be able to live in a free world that do NOT FORCE MANDATED BUT NOT REQUIRED BY LAW . . . VACCINES. To be able to start my own business without having to have that damn vaccine…. to support my family safely without being threatened.

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:28:41


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

True democracy

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:20:26

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

I want our rights back our rights to bare arms our right to say no to all these experimental . . . vaccines my right to go where I wish my rights as a person in work in life I want to live in a place not run bye corruption and policemen who act against humanity I want police revenue raising to be illegal they should be there to protect and serve the people not destroy lives.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

Media held responsible

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:19:12

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

The media needs to be held responsible and accountable for all of the out right lies and agendas . . . that are being shared everyday. The amount of fear it has created is disgusting. People are so scared, disregarding common sense, and there is so much misinformation.

Politicians that actually serve the people not their pockets 🙄

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:13:21

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

I wish to have members of parliment in that actually serve their public. The face that certain . . . people in power are ignoring all of the evidence and medical studies, but are pushing the public (and children?!!!) to be jabbed with a dangerous experimental technology that is killing people, they’re either brainwashed or completely bought out by the pharma companies. It has to be stopped all of the segregation/ loss of freedom and passing blame

Bill of Rights

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:05:06

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

That Australia have a bill of rights to protect all Australians and residents against government . . . tyranny as we are experiencing now. That Australians be protected under the laws of the original custodians and owners of the land. That the bill of rights cover the rights of everyone living in Australia.
That the current government officials be held accountable for crimes of malfeasance.

Remove large Solar Panels and Windmills

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:00:22


Municipality: WA – Mid West

Free the borders

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:07:06

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

I wish that Police forces on the border were there to help the people not divide and separate. . . . Remember they’re there to help and serve, not push a dark agenda.


Created: Created: 29/10/202115:54:17

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Dismantle multiculturalism and reinstated a uni-cultural society. Preserve Australian . . . judao/christion identity as reflected in our Christian heritage. Include in school curriculum. Immigration must enhance and preserve our cultural identity preventing any other religion/culture from undermining this goal. Close all Islamic/Hindu/Chinese/Indian/other institutions and cancel all government subsidies. Dismantle Hallal certification.


Created: Created: 29/10/202116:09:55


Municipality: VIC – Geelong & Bellarine

Yearly Declaration of Party Donations

Created: Created: 29/10/202116:01:33

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NT – Central Australia/Alice Springs Region/Red Centre

All donations of All Parties must be declared on a yearly basis to ANY Parties and Members.

non corrupt Government

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:53:27

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Wide Bay-Burnett

honest and trustworthy publications , law abiding Government and people who works in public sector.

Basic Australian Rights Subject in School

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:58:29

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NT – Central Australia/Alice Springs Region/Red Centre

Living man

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:53:02

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Northern Tablelands

My body my choice

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:54:01

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

I wish the government don’t have power over my body and I can decide what is best for me to help or . . . support my body’s operation. If I need help then it’s there, but ultimately my consent is required to be able to put any medication or protection in my body and I am not being controlled or coerced about it.

Bill of Rights for All Australian People

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:53:42

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NT – Central Australia/Alice Springs Region/Red Centre

Bill of Rights independant of the 1900 Constitution of Australia

Education at all levels that teaches quantum concepts & consciousness

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:45:06

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

It is our education system that is teaching us an old outdated teachings. There has been some . . . incredibly exciting discoveries which greatly affect our narrative of ‘life’, ourselves and our relationships with Earth. To be taught this, is to set us free from the various guilt, fear, shame patterns into a new frontier as co creator. Right in line with the dawn of a new era is a ‘space’ where we realise our potential.


Created: Created: 29/10/202115:04:54

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

No law shall prohibit the free exercise of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to . . . peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Totally Free

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:47:13

State: South Australia

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

All borders open, no mandates, no vaccines, no masks, unlimited travel across Australia, no Covid . . . passports, no coercion. Nuremberg trials for all Australian governments and Health Ministers and their personnel.

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:38:52

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

School is for study & home is for play, no homework!
All school courses to be replaced with
. . . practical courses, growing plants, building houses, farming & butchering, garbage reduction, maths & compounding savings plans,, English, real Australian & world history, science, laguages, & geography.

No Vaccine Passports

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:38:49

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

No vaccine passports or restrictions on free travel within and out of Australia


Created: Created: 29/10/202115:29:52

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Nationalise Australian resources

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:36:25

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

Gunner gone

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:33:54

State: Northern Territory

Municipality: NT – Darwin Region

Crime is out of control up he and is getting worse

Get rid of this sitting corporation deceiving the people as a Government

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:32:30

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

No mandatory vaccination

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:28:16

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Far North Queensland

Pro Choice

Restore democratic government in Federal, State and Local levels

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:21:39

State: Queensland, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Capricorn Coast

Have free and fair elections that we can have confidence that they are elected by and for the . . . people, not multinational corporations or other countries interference. There needs to be checks and balances to terminate a government that becomes tyrannical and a dictatorship like we are seeing now under the guise of a health crisis.

Peoples Land

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:14:15

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Sydney


Created: Created: 29/10/202115:01:37

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Yarra Valley & Dandenongs

I Wish I could visit my sister in nursing home without having to have the flu & COVID . . . vaccinations, attend volunteer work in community, control my own health choices, access shops etc as needed, peacefully protest about important issues, retrieve democracy & enjoy the freedoms our ancestors fought for, investigative journalists would investigate & report on facts rather than the government narrative, for transparency in relation to government decisions that affect every aspect of our lives, politicians could be trusted & truely have the best interests of the community at heart, that the environment was important to politicians, that community housing was not a political football, that the appalling censorship of the past 18 mths be stopped & that “real science” was available to debate.

freedom to choose

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:16:43

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

freedom to choose, NO masks, mandates, vaccines, cashless society, social credit system, digital . . . passports or certificates, free open borders Australia and international, no lockdowns

Common law

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:19:08

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland


Created: Created: 29/10/202115:16:23

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Fleurieu Peninsula

Tell the truth

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:14:59

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

Our state and federal govt, are lying about covid, just to gain control. The govt works for us, . . . seems like they have forgotten that. Rid all fed and state govt’s.

Fight for freedom!

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:08:03

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Riverina


Created: Created: 29/10/202115:06:54

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

Medical freedom, freedom of speech, a non divisive ethos, non corrupt government and media, respect . . . for people and families, a supportive culture, free healthcare, free education.

Ban Vaccination Mandates

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:00:56

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NT – Central Australia/Alice Springs Region/Red Centre

Everyone should have a choice in deciding wether to have a vaccination or any medical procedure. . . . Informed choice shall include being informed of all known possible side effects and adverse reactions found of the vaccine

Bill of Rights

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:05:57

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

I want Australia to have a constructional bill of rights that will serve to protect the rights of . . . all Australians from the threat of tyrannical dictatorships and laws that undermine human rights and their God given freedom.

All States and all Federal governments

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:01:55

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: WA – Pilbara

I wish that all States of Government and Federal Government will leave their positions immediately . . . so we the people can elect a new Government who will work for the people and this nonsense of the vaccines and vaccine passport to be abolished


Created: Created: 29/10/202115:04:24

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

coastal accommodation

Created: Created: 29/10/202115:01:12

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:55:26

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Adelaide Plains

Free choice of open, honest, transparent research, trials etc of freely available medicines , . . . alternatives etc for Australians to choose from. Research to be Independent ( not funded by Industry) and a neutral body that can be peer reviewed and research etc gone through at least 4 channels with suitably qu qualified in area, and experienced representatives from Government, community Industry present to approve and be publically listed for perusal before being checked, tested against strict criteria before being approved for print. Government not to opinionate or approve for whole of population and chrckes and baksnces in place to ensure Politics does not hyjack Health Agenda of Individuals, groups, communities and populations as a whole.


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:22:58

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

1. Every citizen must have the inalienable right to keep and bear arms without licencing . . . requirements or any other infringement.
2. The full restoration of the right to self defence of self, persons and property.

All sacred indigenous sites left untouched by business

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:56:59

State: Northern Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

My wish is for the natural and the spiritual to be respected far more than money and corps

Stop coerced vaccination and stop the government legally kidnapping children through corrupt child protection agencies

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:57:31

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Stop government tyranny in Australia
No more coerced vaccination
No more corrupt “child protection”
. . . kidnapping children for trafficking and billion dollars government contracts
Affordable homes and land prices
Living wages
Equality for women financially

Nature Zone Oz

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:52:53

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Mid North

Freedom & Truth

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:31:59

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

I just wish for the immediate protection of our children, for truth and justice to be delivered, for . . . sovereign rights to be handed back to the original people and the government to dissolve. For our nation to be once again under the governance of the people, for the people and by the people. The introduction of a new governing system that epitomises democracy, equality and freedom.
To end the child sex trafficking and revealing all the pedophiles, creating much stronger punishment for all participants.
To rid this country of the agenda 21/30 scenario, including all mandates, restrictions, and guidelines that are about control and manipulation. Replace CHO with a balanced, fair, uncorrupted and open scientific forum. Allow treatment using safe and proven medications Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine protocols.

Sustainable Organic farming

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:46:03

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Adelaide Plains


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:45:07

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:46:41

State: Queensland

Municipality: NSW – Far West


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:36:38

State: South Australia

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

That across Australia we continue discussions with First Nations people to make their future and . . . well being a high priority and consider whether a treaty will help this process

Freedom of choice

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:31:22

State: Victoria

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

My wish is that all citizens are treated equally in all states of Australia, not discriminated . . . against based on their choice of medical procedures, religion, political orientations, gender, sexual orientation, or occupation. That all citizens reserve the right to free speech without threat of fines or a prison sentence.
I believe this can be achieved through a united Australia, not a country that is segregated into states with the leaders of those states governing however they like, and not being held to account for opposing or ignoring constitutional laws. A system where federal laws out weigh state laws and directives in reality for all Australians, so that all citizens of Australia are subject to the same laws, rights, and privileges.

For Australia To Be RID Of Corruption

For Australia To Be RID Of Corruption

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:39:32

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:42:17


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:37:39

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

Ross Thompson

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:21:07

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

Genuine Democracy for the whole of Australia as one Nation WITHOUT States which blind Freddy can see . . . has not worked and NEVER will. It’s like 8 Master Chefs trying to run a first class restaurant. The party with the most votes wins, like it used to be. Simple. Nothing else works, it just end up with a form of Socialism.


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:31:31

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

I would LOVE for the rights of the people to be made front and centre when it comes to health care . . . inparticular. No discrimination of those who are un-vaxxed or have disabilty. Money shouldn’t be the main agenda.

Food sustainability

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:22:43

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Adelaide Hills/Mount Lofty Ranges

That we will embrace organic/biodynamic farming and ban GMO aiming for sustainability and healthy . . . food above factory farming and that this starts in our backyard or in local parks

Freedom lover

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:27:16

State: Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:29:06

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

Free Roads and Registration

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:28:51

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

English Bill of Rights 1688

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:22:07

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:12:07

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Great Ocean Road

Not allow any member of parliament having membership of secret societies.
Execute all people
. . . convicted of child sex abuse and make it publicly known loud and clear.
Instate traditional conservative values be brought into the education system.
Smaller government is a better government.


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:27:16

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Sunshine Coast

Remove toxic additives to our water, fluoride and chloride.

For Oz

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:26:12

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Free Power For All

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:24:51

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:19:02

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

That the Government restores the freedom of choice of medical procedures to the people, and ceases . . . to contravene the Nuremberg code forthwith. Failure to do this will persuade the Governor General, Sir David Hurley, to dismiss the Government and call an election with properly secured vote counting methods employed.


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:21:58

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – South West

My only wish is that we rid of corrupt governments intent on serving the globalists and destroying . . . our business and freedoms both medically and socially. We need to rid of all major parties and start afresh.

Rewild Australia

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:12:43

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

We have to make our land healthy again by returning carbon to the soil and encouraging a sustainable . . . balance of prey and predator to enrich ecosystems, mop up greenhouse gases and reverse the extinction crisis.


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:16:42

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

Get rid of state Governments

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:09:53

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: QLD – Far North Queensland


Created: Created: 29/10/202114:06:46

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

A true democracy, no big brother bullying and assumptions of our stupidity. Leave the children alone

Medical freedom and respect for traditional medicine.

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:55:35

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South East Queensland

I wish have have absolute medical freedom to choose what goes in my body without the threat of . . . loosing my source of income. I also wish for more respect towards traditional forms of medicine.


Created: Created: 29/10/202113:29:27

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Far North Queensland

Australia to be a ProLife Nation that values freedom and the human rights of every citizen who lives . . . here. A nation that is governed for the people, by the people. A nation who puts their faith and trust in Almighty God, the Creator of all mankind.

Mark McGowan gone

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:05:14

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel

I want constitutional governance of WA and mandatory vaccines to stop

Freedom arising

Created: Created: 29/10/202114:07:46

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Far North Coast

Holding the vision of freedom for all in terms of our bodies, our choices and our ability to . . . interact with this life in all ways…wishing for peace, health and love for our people, our fauna and flora and this magical land.

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:57:48

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Limestone Coast

I wish for decentralised power. More power to States and less to Canberra. Local government to be . . . similarly be more important. Key to sustaining freedoms is a just financial system. Currently monopoly is a natural outcome from our financial system. Sufficient finance must be readily available to enable consumption of our vast production. New money to enter the economy as a credit rather than increasing debt. Personal responsibility to be essential. Education to reflect parent and community standard and be accountable to parents. Aim to be a sovereign nation dealing with other nations only in cases where we are unable to produce the commodity in question.
Voting to be voluntary and open for all to see.

Healthy food for all!

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:59:19

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – South Burnett

Live love and laugh longer!

No more International trade until we have made everything we can onshore in Australia

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:58:01

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

We need to stop international trade. Until we have had enough time to rebuild local industry . . . ourselves. Then and only then should we import only what we can not produce on shore.
This will not be easy to walk the journey. But the results would be a much better outcome for many who have been side lined by international trade. And those seeking employment inside their local communities.

Medical freedom

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:55:00

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – High Country

Freedom to choose or deny any medical treatment or intervention without penalty.

Mrs Cindy Gurr

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:57:09

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Hunter Region (Newcastle)

Love & Peace

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:55:03

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Mornington Peninsula

I wish for everyone in Australia to be left alone by Government and Corporate monsters without the . . . threat of mandated medical procedures.
If we live our lives without hurting anyone, we should be left alone. Make our own decsions for what is best for us!
I wish for all corrupt politicians to be held accountable for their actions.

Keep our cash money

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:57:24

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

We want our cash to remain in circulation and our cash economy to stay with us to freely trade, sell . . . and buy without digital interference. We want money controls to be stopped and the 10000 dollar cash limit to be removed. We want control of our finances to stay with the people!

No Vax Passports.

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:53:38

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast


Created: Created: 29/10/202113:50:04

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

The freedom of movement in and out of Australia

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:45:45

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Sydney

We wiah to be free to move about this State and Country as well as be free to travel out and back . . . into Australia without having to ask permission. We wish for passports and visa fees to be reduced.

Australian Bill of Rights

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:31:47

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

We need an Australian Bill of Rights, so this and future government bodies cannot infringe on any of . . . our Human Rights.
This Bill also needs to include that government cannot make new bills, acts or laws with a public vote.
To do this, we need to become a Republic, so that we are no longer are under the penal colony laws the UK have governed us with. These laws do not protect us, or our rights.
For our Flag, replace the union jack with an the Aboriginal flag, so we remember our heritage and keep our Southern Cross, to represent this Great Southern land we all chose to call our home.

Freedom of choice

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:40:01

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – Peel

I wish that we restore our government in the reality that the people have the supreme power and the . . . original Constitution is put back in place to limit the operation of the government in our personal lives.

Wish for freedom of choice

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:39:14

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – South West

We should be given the right what to put in our body. The government cannot tell us to take this . . . experimental jab as it is against the law. We should not be excluded from society for looking after our own health.

free Australia

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:35:17

State: South Australia

Municipality: SA – Adelaide Hills/Mount Lofty Ranges

I want the tyrants locked up, No more liars and criminals in Canberra, state or local governments. . . . I want the new technology to be introduced which they have been hiding. Over 5000 patents have been suppressed. Health eg Medbeds, free energy – Tesla – free travel with anti gravity, replicators for food and other needs. I want this for everyone, we deserve it.

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:40:33


Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains


Created: Created: 29/10/202113:29:17

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – The Goldfields

Freedom to make my own decisions in regard to my and my children’s health without government . . . over-reach.
Back to basics in our schools – Reading, Writing, Arithmetic.
Religious protection to be able to continue to believe what I believe.
Promotion of family and family values.


Created: Created: 29/10/202113:29:47

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – High Country

freedom of choice

Wake up

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:25:13

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Gippsland

I wished people could wake up from this fraud and see it for what it is and realized all this time . . . they’ve been played by really evil people. They have even convinced them that discrimination and segregation are okay when it’s convenient, when it’s for the “greater good”. They’ve been convinced that other people are responsible for their health so if they don’t wear a mask, “social” distance or take a jab they’re being selfish. The level pf stupidity is just unbelievable. So I wished people would stop being stupid and get some common sense back. And lastly, I wished people would get together to fight back this division governments all over the world have created to take advantage of us.

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:25:37

State: Queensland

Municipality: NSW – Northern Rivers

Uphold principles of love and care for all. Live by Biblical standards

Revive Australia

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:28:28

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Geelong & Bellarine

The literal manifest glory of God is being seen all over Australia

Death penalty to peadophiles

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:29:10

State: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

Municipality: NSW – Greater Western Sydney

Carly Morrison

Carly Morrison

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:17:15

State: Victoria

Municipality: VIC – Daylesford & Macedon Ranges

DV support

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:21:43

State: Queensland

Municipality: QLD – Gold Coast

Self governing

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:20:21

State: Queensland

Municipality: NSW – Blue Mountains

No more corporate rulers


Created: Created: 29/10/202113:17:54

State: New South Wales

Municipality: NSW – Illawarra (Wollongong)

Reel back ALL Basic Human Rights Back prior to COVID

Mr Allen

Created: Created: 29/10/202113:16:04

State: Western Australia

Municipality: WA – South West

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