Inclusive, tolerant and cohesive micro communities that are self sustainable but most of all FAMILY’S oriented.
Original Sovereign Tribal Federation Recognition
Recognise the Original Sovereign Tribal Federation as law and custodians of this land and the sea to 200km
One reply on “Mr.”
Bigest treat to human developement, they self awareness and spiritual awakening are electronic devices and use of mas media which separates humans from reality of Creator. As history has teached us religions are always being in log a heads who is wrong and who is right and has created deep divissions between human speacies of this planet. Instrad of religion teaching there should be school of self awareness which will achieve greater self awareness and gaining the consciousnes of greater universal importance and our place, purpose and responsibilities toward this wonderous creation. We are being given this planet for governence in harmony with it but many had forgoten that and instead of governence of it they sucumbed to greed and destruction of very life we were being given to nurcher.