This map is the test eample of a peoples grassroots meritocracy, to develop a self-sustaining governance separate from the Parliament of the Commonwealth. 

This map will function as a means of enabling individuals to vote democratically via means of the internet, connecting individuals and groups online. 


There are a number of points to consider when using such a system. These are: 

  1. An online democratic people’s governance system requires limitation access to people within jurisdiction of governance. This in turn requires geoblocking to prevent internet traffic from international sources. However, Geoblocking solves one problem by  creating another two; Some members of Ausreal governance may use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) which does mean that a LAN or WAN will geoblock users on a VPN, preventing voting abilities; As well as this is individual members of the Ausreal governance will be unable to vote democratically when outside of Australia. Such systems can be overcome by enabling global access, and verification of users access to Ausreal democratic processes by means of 2FA, MAC address filtering (can vote from a limited number of registered devices albeit from anywhere globally) or manual verification. 
  2. Limiting votes to one vote per member, per issue; A democratic voting system is nullified, and has no value when its system is undermined by allowing an individual to cast more than one vote. A fundamental democracy provides individuals the privelige of a vote worth the same as every other individual who is part of the democracy. To enable singular votes, such singular votes will require a point of data to clarify from historical entries, that no similar entries have been made. Such a method can be done either by MAC address filtering (a user can only cast one vote, per bill, per device), or alternatively, can vote once per username, email, IP address or user ID. There will be a number of singular data points which can be used to verify votes, although such systems all possess existing vulnerabilities which can be exploited. A complete working model is not ready prior to having penetration testing conducted on the system.
  3. Feedback from early adopters is highly valued; A simple, prototypical model may have all technical aspects considered, although a democracy requires fundamental data perhaps not considered at the time of a prototype development. Ausreal, as a democracy for the people, by the people, must consider all valuable datasets to possibly collect by all early adopters and stakeholders, and factor in considerable upgrading and changes to voting methodologies and user experience based on feedback from all stakeholders. The purpose of Ausreal is to provide an alternative for all individuals separate from the Parliament of the commonwealth, and should therefore be considered to be developed by all individuals using the Ausreal democratic process.
  4. The access and storage of the data; Whilst Ausreal is a system entirely separate and alternative to the Parliament of the Commonwealth, to access Ausreal is to access data and partake in democratic processes separate to the Commonwealth, by using infrastructure built and owned by organisations or government institutions owned and/or ran by the Commonwealth. Such a system is highly unlikely to be sustainable in the long term; and from project design, should be considered as a system that can easily, and quickly be migrated away from commonwealth-owned, or taxpaying-organisation owned to a self-hosted, wide area network accessible to all members of Ausreal. 
  5. Incorporating access to all individuals participating in Ausreal governance; This includes mail submissions, in-person or phone verifications to cast votes on Ausreal bills. A website can be built with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) Score AAA although this is in turn nullified if users without access to the internet cannot submit a vote. 
  6. Voting discussion forums; To provide impartial moderation for healthy, critical and productive discussion around bills to be passed. Such discussion forums can be used as a valuable tool to provide information, insight and feedback to aid individuals with accessing information relevant to the bill, and providing individuals with information to assist them submitting their vote. 
  7. Ease of voting; The purpose to provide an interactive map for Ausreal individuals to discover new bills and cast votes, is to provide an easily navigable, graphical user interface (GUI) which allows for quick access to bills locally to them, but also filterable by category regardless of geolocation. 

Please donate to continue development of Ausreal, and thanks if you do. 

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Any thoughts on how Ausreal could better be utilised and benefit Australians? 

Please provide us some details below with any information you believe to be important. 

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